Monica Cruz (Not Penelope Cruz) Bikini Pictures

Monica Cruz Bikini Pictures

Yes, Penelope Cruz's younger sister, Monica Cruz does look great in a bikini, but I'm really not sure why the paparazzi are taking her picture. Is she actually famous for doing something, or just famous by association? You know, like Nicky Hilton. Oops, strike that. Neither Hilton sister is famous for actually doing anything. Doing anyone... That's a different story.

Anyway, I could have probably done a little research into it, but that would require more work than merely writing some innane comments and posting a couple of pictures, and if you're at all familiar with this site, you'll know that's not how I do things.

So, not knowing why they're being posted, here are some Monica Cruz bikini pictures. At the very least, if you like Penelope Cruz, you'll like Monica, because they are basically clones of each other.

source: Actual Penelope Cruz Bikini Pictures